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7F14047 HaBiT - Harvesting big text data for under-resourced languages

Start date: 1.10.2014
End date: 30.4.2017

About the project

The main objectives of the HaBiT project are to gather large-scale text data (corpora) from the Web for under-resourced languages, involving Norwegian, partly Czech and the major languages of Ethiopia — Amharic, Afaan Oromo, Tigrinya, Somali — and to build shallow processing applications. The gathered data will be processed to make it usable in many language applications, such as information extraction or machine translation. Furthermore, in the process of collecting corpora data, existing tools for building web text resources will be further developed and improved since the Ethiopian languages are quite different from most European languages. Applications for the given languages will be built to allow for the separation and disambiguation of multiple senses of words.

Project Goals

  1. Creating a repository for the investigated languages and making them freely accessible for further research (especially in Ethiopia and Norway).
  2. Presenting results obtained in the Project to the research community and disseminate the result via the HaBiT project web pages.
  3. In general, the accessibility of the results will push forward the research in the area of the under-resourced language and in this way contribute to promoting our knowledge of these languages in a longer perspective.
  4. The project results will make it possible to acquire information technologies in a less-developed country and contribute to its cultural development.

Project partners

Project team

MU team

Natural Language Processing Centre is a part of Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno and consists of K. Pala, A. Horák, P. Rychlý and Ph.D. students: V. Suchomel, V. Baisa, M. Jakubíček, and researchers: V. Kovář, Z. Nevěřilová, A. Rambousek. The main research activities of the team include corpus linguistics and processing very large text data (which are the team’s key expertise related to HaBiT), semantic web and visual lexicons, production of lexical databases and software tools for them, and machine translation. The tools created in NLP Centre are used by the research institutions all over the world, also by large publishing houses in UK (OUP, Cambridge University Press, MacMillan). In this respect the Centre cooperates with Lexical Computing Ltd.

NTNU team

The language processing team at NTNU belongs to the Artificial Intelligence division of the Department of Computer and Information Science. The Norwegian team in HaBiT will consist of Björn Gambäck (Professor of Language Technology, NTNU), Janne Bondi Johannessen (Professor at the Text Laboratory, University of Oslo), PhD student (to be appointed) and researchers: L. Bungum, H. Moen, together providing a strong background in language technology and knowledge representation, and in language resource building, both for Norwegian and for Ethiopian languages. Within the HaBiT project, the team will participate in and lead the research activities related to corpora building, annotation and processing for Norwegian and for the Ethiopian languages. Furthermore, NTNU is collaborating with University of Oslo and the universities in Addis Ababa and Hawassa in Ethiopia in a project to support linguistic capacity building in Ethiopia funded by Norad through the NORHED programme.

Public outcomes

Supported by

Norway Grants

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

The research leading to these results has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under Project Contract no. MSMT-28477/2014.


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Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Jun 1, 2017, 1:21:35 PM

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