Changes between Version 39 and Version 40 of WikiStart

Jan 15, 2016, 2:35:21 PM (8 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v39 v40  
    3939=== MU team ===
    41 [[Image(logo_mu.jpg, width=100px)]]
     41[[Image(logo_mu.png, width=100px)]]
    4343Natural Language Processing Centre is a part of Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno and consists of K. Pala, A. Horák, P. Rychlý and Ph.D. students: V. Suchomel, V. Baisa, M. Jakubíček, and researchers: V. Kovář, Z. Nevěřilová, A. Rambousek. The main research activities of the team include corpus linguistics and processing very large text data (which are the team’s key expertise related to HaBiT), semantic web and visual lexicons, production of lexical databases and software tools for them, and machine translation. The tools created in NLP Centre are used by the research institutions all over the world, also by large publishing houses in UK (OUP, Cambridge University Press, !MacMillan). In this respect the Centre cooperates with Lexical Computing Ltd.
    4545=== NTNU team ===
    47 [[Image(logo_ntnu.jpg, width=100px)]]
     47[[Image(logo_ntnu.png, width=100px)]]
    4949The language processing team at NTNU belongs to the Artificial Intelligence division of the Department of Computer and Information Science. The Norwegian team in HaBiT will consist of Björn Gambäck (Professor of Language Technology, NTNU), Janne Bondi Johannessen (Professor at the Text Laboratory, University of Oslo), PhD student (to be appointed) and researchers: L. Bungum, H. Moen, together providing a strong background in language technology and knowledge representation, and in language resource building, both for Norwegian and for Ethiopian languages. Within the HaBiT project, the team will participate in and lead the research activities related to corpora building, annotation and processing for Norwegian and for the Ethiopian languages. Furthermore, NTNU is collaborating with University of Oslo and the universities in Addis Ababa and Hawassa in Ethiopia in a project to support linguistic capacity building in Ethiopia funded by Norad through the NORHED programme.